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Mighty Well

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The idea for Mighty Well was born when CEO and co-founder Emily Levy was battling chronic Lyme disease. She had a PICC line -- a medical device inserted into her arm -- for medical treatments. The nurse recommended she cover the tube protruding from her vein with a cut-off sock. Shocked at the lack of dignified and hygienic options, Emily decided to create her own!

Mighty Well has been turning sickness into strength ever since with products, content, and community that transform the patient experience. What started as the award-winning PICCPerfect PICC Line Cover has grown to include a wide variety of solutions for the problems faced by people with medical devices and disabilities: PICCPerfect PICC Line Cover 2.0, The Mighty Pack, The Mighty Jacket, The Mighty MedPlanner, and the The Mighty Well Mask.

These products, as well as every-day apparel with empowering messages, are designed for patients by patients, and those who love them. Because co-founders Emily, Maria, and Yousef know first-hand the complicated ways in which medical devices can impact life, Mighty Well’s mission includes creating content and community for people to connect and lift one another up

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